Welcome to a different kind of church.
At Grace Reformed Church we hold to what the historic Christian Church has taught regarding the purpose of man: man was not made for himself, nor will he ever find the purpose of his life within the small circle of his existence. Far from affirming the notions many people have and think to be true, at Grace Reformed Church we believe what Scripture teaches in its opening words (“In the beginning, God...”): life, meaning, and true significance are only found in worshipping God alone, in bowing down to Him, in renouncing our sinful desires and ambitions, and seeking God’s transforming grace to change us continually (Titus 2:11).
If God is the great source of our joy (Ps. 16:11) and salvation (Ps. 42:11), why would we begin talking about life anywhere else? At Grace Reformed Church, we are passionately God-centered and Christ-centered. This means that we take very seriously the words God has spoken (the Bible). The Bible is our very life (Ps. 119; Dt. 32:47).
The Bible teaches us that Christ’s lordship extends over all things (Mt. 28:18; 1 Cor. 15:27; Eph. 1:20-22). That means that Christ is interested in more than simply whether or not we go to Church on Sundays or how much we pray. It means that Christ the King speaks with ultimate authority to the most important areas of our lives: our work, our sexuality, our families, they way we treat others, science, the arts, government, and human culture.
How can you come to know the beauty and power of God in Christ in your own life? It begins by recognizing your personal need of a Savior who will rescue your from the wages of sin and the wrath of God. Are you a sinner in need of God’s grace? Do you agree with Scripture that every person is dead in his or her sins, and apart from God’s supernatural Word, will remain incapable of worshipping and loving God, the very thing we were created by God to (Ephesians 2:1-10)?
As long as a person thinks they are not really a morally deficient person, they will never sense their need of Jesus Christ nor devote his or her life to Him. That is why Jesus Christ said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17).
Are you generally okay and not really in need of Christ’s diagnosis of your life and salvation for your life? Or, are you a sinner in need of God’s grace?